Zone of the enders ken vr
Zone of the enders ken vr

zone of the enders ken vr

For most people, this won’t be much of a problem and may serve as nostalgia for the odd phrasing choices used at certain parts of the story. That means that the same hilariously poor translation of the original remains intact. Speaking of audio, the voiceover work doesn’t appear to have changed. This can help in pinpointing where enemies are in relation to the player, but is especially pronounced in cutscenes, as mechs fly from one side of the screen to the other, towards and away from the camera, with accompanying sound effects. While audio quality remains the same, and no lines have been redone or anything drastic like that, the soundstage has been enhanced with surround sound for this release. One last VR-centric feature to mention is the audio design. Most “flat” cutscenes also include 3D effects, such as snow kicked up during a storm which appears to be in front of the cutscene itself, which is an entertaining effect. Not all cutscenes support this, and it isn’t obvious which scenes do, but VR cutscenes are a pleasant surprise. This is a neat way to watch cutscenes, as now the player can dictate what they wish to focus on while things unfold. Some cutscenes have been tweaked to be rendered in-engine, as opposed to pre-rendered, and can be viewed in VR via the gallery. This is convenient, and likely a result of the game being a remaster, and thus not much of a drain on the PS4’s resources. If playing in the cockpit view, the video output to the television remains the traditional third-person view for others to watch. Besides which, a miniature version of the mech suit is shown in the cockpit, and it displays what actions the player is performing, as well as incoming danger, if any. While the traditional third-person view can still be used in VR, it doesn’t feel as immersive and may cause more people to feel nauseated after lengthy play sessions. The entire campaign can be played in VR, with a brand-new first-person cockpit view available to boot. Fortunately, this isn’t the case with The 2nd Runner. Often, an older game’s VR mode is an aside, something to take a look at a few times and then quickly forget or not bother with.

Zone of the enders ken vr upgrade#

Sure, upscaling to 4K is nice, but the more intriguing upgrade to The 2nd Runner is the inclusion of a VR mode. Generally speaking, though, The 2nd Runner scales up well to 4K resolution. The art style of high fantasy sci-fi, with its straight lines and large but mostly empty space stations lends itself well to upscaling, though some textures on environmental objects are a bit blurry. Small levels and short battle sequences ensure that loading times are short, at least.

zone of the enders ken vr

The 2nd Runner is showing its age, that much is obvious. It’s amusing to look back at a game that released in 2003 and consider that those graphics were considered state-of-the-art then.

Zone of the enders ken vr